Truck Driving Schools in Nevada (NV)
There's good news for future truck drivers in Nevada: the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects solid growth for trucking industry employment between 2016 and 2026. Nevada heavy truck drivers earn a mean hourly wage of $23.84 as of May 2016 (latest available data). This equates to an average annual salary of $49,590. To get in on this growing and solid career choice, a CDL will need to be obtained. Truck driving schools in Nevada are the best way to get the knowledge and training needed to pass the CDL exam and ultimately become a truck driver.
CDL Training Near Me in Nevada
There are several possibilities when choosing from the list of Nevada truck driving schools. Popular locations throughout the state include Las Vegas, Reno, Henderson, and Boulder City. A few of the schooling options include A-1 Truck Driver Training, Horizon Commercial Truck School, and Nevada Truck Driving School. Trucking schools in Nevada offer the necessary education and training needed to obtain your commercial driver's license (CDL). To obtain a CDL license in Nevada, you must be at least 18 years old (21 for interstate truck driving), provide proof of residency and have a current medical certificate. CDL applicants must then pass a written knowledge exam and a skills test, which includes a pre-trip vehicle inspection, a basic control test, and an on-road driving exam. The amount of testing you undergo depends on the class of license you want and any additional endorsements needed---for example, to drive a vehicle with air brakes, a tanker, a school bus or to haul hazardous materials. After completing school and earning a CDL, truckers may find employment with one of Nevada's many trucking companies, such as Great Western Transportation or Conus Interstate Inc.
To find a truck driving school in Nevada, browse the list of featured trucking schools below.
Learn more about Nevada CDL requirements.